069: Being Terrified and Doing it Anyway with Grace Tyson

Grace Tyson is the Co-founder and CEO of Luma, a pre-launch company backed by venture studio High Alpha. Luma empowers companies to interview and hire effectively and equitably by recording, transcribing, and analyzing interviews. Throughout her career, Grace has stepped into new roles and challenges, despite an overwhelming fear of failing.

In this episode you’ll hear how Grace remained focused in moments of fear by reframing her thoughts and catching negative thought patterns. Listen as she gives practical advice on how to push through insecurity and get outside your comfort zone. 

Like what Grace has to say? You can reach out to her directly on LinkedIn or by emailing her at grace@lumateams.com.

Daily Dose: You’re doing better than you think
Daily Dose: Quieting the inside critic and instead listening to your inside mentor
Daily Dose: Sometimes it’s better to just let things be

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