Manager Essentials

Cohort 2

Development Process

Your HRD Team

Amanda Areces


Questions on logistics, assessments, invitations, communications

Zoom Recordings, Slide Decks and Handouts

Action Items

Pre-Work for Leadership Mindset, Review Pre-Assessment Data Workshop

November 12

  • Complete your DiSC Assessment (information below) by October 30. Review pages 1-6 in your report.
  • Complete your Pre-Competency Assessment (information below) by October 30
  • Meet with your Accountability Partner. Discuss the following questions:
  • What reactions and/or questions do you have about your DiSC report?
  • What do you want to gain from this development process? Name at least one SPECIFIC outcome.

DiSC and Pre-Competency Assessment Steps

DiSC Management Assessment

The DiSC Management Assessment provides valuable insight into who you are and how you lead. You will use the assessment report throughout the program. There is a sample DiSC email (*below) so you know what to expect. It will come from HRD Leadership <>.

The assessment takes less than 20 minutes to complete. You will need to complete your assessment by October 30 and you will have immediate access to your results upon completion. Once completed, please review your DiSC Assessment Report (pg. 1-6).

Click Here for a Sample DiSC Email

*Sample DiSC email:

From: HRD Leadership <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 9:50 AM


Subject: HRD Leadership has registered you for: Everything DiSC Management Profile

Everything DiSC Management Profile

This email will help you get set up to take the Everything DiSC Management Profile assessment.

First, you’ll be asked to create an account with an email and password or sign into your existing account. Then, you’ll proceed to the assessment. To get started, click the following link:

Take my assessment

If you have trouble using the link above, go to and enter the

Access Code shown here:


Please note:

1. This is your personal Access Code. Do not share it or this e-mail with others.

2. Once you create your account credentials (email and password), you will use them to access any future Report(s) associated with your account.

Pre-Competency Assessment

This pre-assessment will establish a baseline for your confidence and competence-level on a variety of

manager competencies. The pre-survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Please complete by October 30.

Pre-Work for Coaching & Giving Feedback Workshop & Communication Leadership Workshop

November 19

  • Complete the team DiSC diagnostic (plotting your team) and Adaptation Action Plan. Be prepared to discuss both at our next workshop!
  • Share your DiSC style with your team and manager.
  • Meet with your accountability partner and discuss the following questions:
  • How can you foster an above-the-line mindset in your team members?
  • Share strengths and opportunities for growth you see in your DiSC report.
  • Begin talking NOW about your Leadership Mission. What questions do you have?

Pre-Work for Leading through Conflict Workshop & Leading Change Workshop

January 21

  • Have a coaching conversation you need to have or share feedback you need to give
  • Read the article: From Gen Z to boomers: How to give critical feedback at work. Meet with your accountability partner to discuss
  • Practice using your new brain-based tools: Analogies, Questions, and Enriched Environments. Be prepared to share at least 2 examples next time of how you have done so.
  • Meet with your accountability partner to discuss your plans or debrief how it went.

Pre-Work for Post-Assessment Review and Celebration Workshop

February 20

Complete your post-competency assessment by February 13.

Leading Through Conflict

  • Practice stepping back and reframing your automatic thoughts. Be prepared to share an example of doing so in our next workshop.
  • Choose two productive conflict behaviors to focus on (one you’re already good at, and one you’d like to cultivate).
  • Listen to Reframing Your Reality (Part 1): Episode from Hidden Brain podcast.
  • Meet with your accountability partners and discuss the following questions:
  • What was your favorite example from the podcast about how our mindset (i.e., how we frame our reality) impacts our decisions and interactions with others?
  • How can you put this insight to use in your professional role?

Leading Change

  • Complete the Switch Change Framework for the change you identified.
  • Click here for the Switch video.
  • Meet with your Accountability Partner. Discuss:
  • How can you find out how your team members are reacting to change?
  • How do you plan to leverage the Journey Through Change and Switch framework to help your team members navigate change more effectively? (Be specific!)
  • Continue work on your Leadership Mission. Email yours to HRD when prompted (HRDPrograms will email you!)

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