Ask 5 colleagues to rate your communication skills from 1-10 and/or which of the 9 mistakes from How’s Your Computer-side Manner you should focus more energy on.
Meet with your Accountability Partner.
Discuss your biggest take-aways from the workshop.
Share how your colleagues rated your communication skills and/or which of the 9 mistakes from How’s Your Computer-side Manner they suggested you should focus more energy on.
Review Chapters 3 & 10 in How’s Your Computer-side Manner?
Pre-Work for Getting Your Message Across Workshop
November 6
Completethe “Choose Your Own Adventure” activities in your workbook for the 2-3 communication mistakes you have chosen to devote energy to addressing.
Meet with your Accountability Partner.
Discuss your biggest take-aways from today’s workshop.
Share the communication mistakes you have chosen to focus on and any progress made thus far on mitigating those mistakes.
Think about your writing and/or presenting challenges to help Ali customize the Writing & Presentations workshop.
Pre-Work for Deliberate Doubt Workshop
December 4
Practice using your new brain-based tools: Analogies, Questions, and Enriched Environments.
Be prepared to share at least 2 examples next time of how you have done so.
Meetwith your accountability partner to discuss your plans to use the new tools or debrief how it went when you did.
Identify in real time (or in recent hindsight) your use of one or more of the common thinking errors: Binary Thinking, Availability Heuristic, or confirmation Bias.
Meet with your accountability partner. Discuss the following questions:
What examples have you identified of your use of common thinking errors?
How did you, or how do you plan to, use one of the Deliberate Doubt tactics to avoid that error in the future?
Pre-Work for Making Commitments & Presentations Workshop
February 19
Haveat least one high-stakes conversation—personal or professional.
Be prepared to report back how it went and what you learned about what went well or what you might do differently next time.