Development Process
Dr. Ali Atkison
Facilitator/Growth Coach
Questions on logistics, assessments, invitations, communications
Slide Decks and Handouts
Action Items
The DiSC Management Assessment provides valuable insight into who you are and how you lead. You will use the assessment report throughout the program. There is a sample DiSC email (*below) so you know what to expect. It will come from HRD Leadership <>.
The assessment takes less than 20 minutes to complete. You will need to complete your assessment by September 26 and you will have immediate access to your results upon completion. Once completed, please review your DiSC Assessment Report (pg. 1-6).
*Sample DiSC email:
From: HRD Leadership <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 9:50 AM
Subject: HRD Leadership has registered you for: Everything DiSC Management Profile
Everything DiSC Management Profile
This email will help you get set up to take the Everything DiSC Management Profile assessment.
First, you’ll be asked to create an account with an email and password or sign into your existing account. Then, you’ll proceed to the assessment. To get started, click the following link:
Take my assessment
If you have trouble using the link above, go to and enter the
Access Code shown here:
Please note:
1. This is your personal Access Code. Do not share it or this e-mail with others.
2. Once you create your account credentials (email and password), you will use them to access any future Report(s) associated with your account.
Pre-Competency Assessment
This pre-assessment will establish a baseline for your confidence and competence-level on a variety of
manager competencies. The pre-survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Please complete by September 26.
February 6