Daily Dose: Someday is Not an Actual Day

Being [at Work] offers a daily dose of leadership focused on helping you, the leader. During challenging times we need all of the encouragement we can get. Sometimes there’s simply no playbook and we just need to do the best we can. Sometimes the best we can is being reminded of the gifts and insight you already have within. Now, if you're in the midst of a challenging time, our goal at HRD Advisory Group is to help remind and encourage you no matter the situation you’re in. Be sure to subscribe and get your daily dose. Resources:

  • HRD Advisory Group: https://hrdadvisorygroup.com/
  • Being [at Work]: https://hrdadvisorygroup.com/podcasts/
184: Being Intentional About Your Relationship Strategy with Vanessa Fields
Daily Dose: Be willing to be misunderstood, criticized, opposed, accused and event rejected
Daily Dose: If you know exactly what you’re going to do, what’s the point of doing it

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