The Challenge:
An executive team was struggling with alignment in an industry under fire. The need for cohesion to drive results was paramount for this team that had fallen victim to unhealthy team dynamics.
The Solution:
Strengthen the alignment and cohesion of the team by providing knowledge, assessment, and coaching on the behaviors of cohesive teams. The team participated in a team and individual assessment, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team (trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results). Percentile scores in cohesion ranged from 11% -71%. In addition, all leaders participated in individual coaching sessions and received 360 feedback on their leader behaviors. The executive coach partnered with the CEO and HR Director on sustainability and progress.
The Results:
• The executive team noted there had been observable increase in demonstrating team-oriented behaviors.
• Post-assessment revealed an increase of individual improvement, increased cohesiveness, and a strong commitment for sustaining the program.
• Post-assessment data showed a jump in percentile scores ranging from 81% -93%